Daniel's brother, Adam, came to visit for a week. One of the things he wanted to do was go to a lu'au, so we took him to our favorite, Germaine's Lu'au. It was Gavin's first lu'au and I think the loud noise and lights were a little much for him.
See that look from Daniel? I think he's contemplating another mai tai. We all paid $8 for the bigger drink glass and that was more than enough for me! I didn't even want to use my other drink tickets to get non-alcoholic drinks.
We made sure to bundle Gavin up, since it was a little windy. He has developed a fascination with his fist and it's usually his left fist. I wonder if he will be left handed... He usually sucks on his fist as a soothing technique. He is such a clever baby!
That pig they are pulling out of the ground is what we actually ate and it was tasty!
Before the screaming started when Gavin was still a happy baby. Aren't we cute?
It's a little blurry, but I wanted documented proof that Gavin went to a lu'au.
We also went to Bellows Beach, so the boys could boogie board. Gavin didn't want to be left on the beach, but I told him he needed to wait a few months before he could get in the water.
I think Daniel has been watching too many surfing movies, putting his board in the sand and surveying the waves...
Gavin enjoyed spending time with his Uncle Adam.
The boys caught some decent waves from what I could tell. Gavin and I stayed at a picnic table in the shade while the boys played.
Daniel and Adam also checked out Turtle Beach, so Adam could pay his respects to the sea turtles. The "guardians" put out a red rope perimeter around the sea turtles, so visitors don't get too close.
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