Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lots of Pictures

There were a lot of pictures of Gavin that I never posted because I didn't have time. It's hard to feed a baby and type with one hand. However, Daniel got me an awesome portable computer desk for my laptop for Valentine's Day and now I can prop Gavin on his Boppy pillow for feeding and still reach my computer, usually with both hands. So here are a bunch of pictures, mostly from weeks 3, 4, and 5 of Gavin's life.
This was actually just from yesterday, so it's the most recent picture of Gavin that I have at the moment. He will be 7 weeks on Friday.
Grandma Tami, Daniel's mom, knitted Gavin this really cute blanket. It's in kind of a star shape which I'm sure is really complicated. She is so talented! I adore this blanket and Gavin will keep it forever whether he likes it or not! :)
Gavin looks so cute with his pacifier. We try not to use it too often, but sometimes a baby just needs to suck on something. Better a pacifier than me! It can certainly make shopping trips easier when he gets fussy in the middle of Target.

I love to just prop Gavin up with his Boppy pillow to take random pictures. He is usually pretty indulgent, so I can take lots of cute shots. It also stops him from falling off the couch. It's really a multi-purpose pillow which is why I have two with multiple slip covers.

Gavin still isn't quite sure what to make pf his swing. I'll put him in it to free my arms for a little bit, but it usually doesn't last long. My mom says Trevor and I loved our swings when we were babies, so I'm still waiting for Gavin to find that love. The swing is also an infant bouncer and a toddler chair, so it can grow with him and be used for different things.
I think Gavin's favorite part of taking a bath os when it's over. He stops screaming once he is all cozy in his towel.
Cleo is still unsure about Gavin, but she refuses to play second fiddle. Luckily, Daniel has a big enough lap for both of them. This is certainly better than when Cleo would try to step on Gavin when he was still inside me.

I think I am officially caught up on posting pictures of Gavin. Today he will get some bonding time with Daniel while I go get my Valentine's Day massage and go to Target baby free (How many times have I mentioned Target?). Check back every so often for pictures and updates.


Jon Blakey said...

Yep, looks just like the baby I saw when I visited.