Tuesday, February 2, 2010


In honor of Gavin turning one month old, which was actually yesterday, I have decided to start a blog. This is probably something I should have done a long time ago, since we have lived so far from family for nearly six years, but better late than never, right? This will allow all of our family and friends to keep updated with us and see pictures of our beautiful baby. It's amazing the amount of pictures one can take of a single person in only a month. I'll try to post pictures and updates several times a week, but if you've ever had kids, you know about the best laid plans... It's almost time for American Idol, so the pictures of Gavin will be in following posts that I will complete throughout the week. Until then...


Unknown said...

I wish I could be there to hold my sweet grandbaby. I miss you guys, I can't wait to see all of you. Maybe this summer we can meet up. I love you both, give Gavin a big hug and kiss for me. Grandmama