Monday, February 22, 2010

7 Weeks and Tummy Time

Gavin turned 7 weeks on Friday. Now I wonder when we stop measuring his life in weeks and just stick to months. When he's almost a year old, do I really need to say that he's 51 weeks old? I also never understood why age is continued to be measured in months after the age of 1. I guess parents needs to know how many months their child is in order to find the right size clothes although the pounds and length listed on the tag is probably more accurate than the age in months anyway.

We also try to give Gavin "tummy time" a few days every week. It helps him top develop his muscles. From what we have read, I believe he should spend 30 minutes on his tummy a week. He can sometime push himself along to reach Daniel or myself. He has the motions for crawling started, but obviously, does not have the strength yet. Sometimes "tummy time" ends in crying and I can understand that. You would cry too if you were stuck on your tummy and pretty much helpless. However, when we interact with him while he's on his tummy, he is usually much happier.

I took this about 10 minutes ago. I love pictures of sleeping babies, so cute and innocent!
I'm sure he will wake up soon and be hungry, so I better get to the laundry and dishes!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lots of Pictures

There were a lot of pictures of Gavin that I never posted because I didn't have time. It's hard to feed a baby and type with one hand. However, Daniel got me an awesome portable computer desk for my laptop for Valentine's Day and now I can prop Gavin on his Boppy pillow for feeding and still reach my computer, usually with both hands. So here are a bunch of pictures, mostly from weeks 3, 4, and 5 of Gavin's life.
This was actually just from yesterday, so it's the most recent picture of Gavin that I have at the moment. He will be 7 weeks on Friday.
Grandma Tami, Daniel's mom, knitted Gavin this really cute blanket. It's in kind of a star shape which I'm sure is really complicated. She is so talented! I adore this blanket and Gavin will keep it forever whether he likes it or not! :)
Gavin looks so cute with his pacifier. We try not to use it too often, but sometimes a baby just needs to suck on something. Better a pacifier than me! It can certainly make shopping trips easier when he gets fussy in the middle of Target.

I love to just prop Gavin up with his Boppy pillow to take random pictures. He is usually pretty indulgent, so I can take lots of cute shots. It also stops him from falling off the couch. It's really a multi-purpose pillow which is why I have two with multiple slip covers.

Gavin still isn't quite sure what to make pf his swing. I'll put him in it to free my arms for a little bit, but it usually doesn't last long. My mom says Trevor and I loved our swings when we were babies, so I'm still waiting for Gavin to find that love. The swing is also an infant bouncer and a toddler chair, so it can grow with him and be used for different things.
I think Gavin's favorite part of taking a bath os when it's over. He stops screaming once he is all cozy in his towel.
Cleo is still unsure about Gavin, but she refuses to play second fiddle. Luckily, Daniel has a big enough lap for both of them. This is certainly better than when Cleo would try to step on Gavin when he was still inside me.

I think I am officially caught up on posting pictures of Gavin. Today he will get some bonding time with Daniel while I go get my Valentine's Day massage and go to Target baby free (How many times have I mentioned Target?). Check back every so often for pictures and updates.

Gavin's First Bottle

At 4 weeks, Gavin was given his first bottle of breastmilk. We originally decided to try him on a bottle, so we could go to a luau the next night with some friends. We didn't end up going, but it was great to know that Gavin would take a bottle. Daniel has started getting up with Gavin on Friday and Saturday nights, so that I can get some sleep. However, I do believe that Gavin has slept through many of those nights. Oh well! I really can't complain about that because it is fantastic!
Gavin took his first bottle like a champion. We were also told that it is a great way for him to bond with Daniel, so I try to avoid giving him a bottle when I can. Being able to grab a bottle before leaving the house is also great, so I'm not stuck in the car feeding him the whole time. We bought a car bottle warmer at Target and it's also insulated to keep the milk cool in case we don't end up using it. We've also heard from friends that they have trouble getting their baby to take a bottle, possibly because they waited too long. I think 4 weeks was perfect for Gavin. He will eat from pretty much anything you give him and will try to eat many other things, like Daniel's shoulder.

He is such a good eater and the break from time to time is really wonderful for me! :)
Gavin's first burp after his first bottle. I think he's more into cuddling than burping and when I try to burp him, he tries to climb back down to the food again. Silly baby!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

A Visit from Grandpa Jon

We were lucky enough to have my dad visit last week. Gavin got exposed to lots of different music and fell asleep to The Cure. Here are some pictures from the week.
Meeting Grandpa at the airport. It was pretty late and my dad knew better than to wake a sleeping baby!
My dad was awesome and took us to Barnes and Noble to get Gavin stocked up on books and music. I can't wait to share favorites from my childhood with him, especially Raffi.
Gavin got quite a musical education. My dad taught him all about The Beatles and other "old" music. :)
We drove down the Waianae coast to where the sidewalk ends, quite literally.

Holy big wave! We saw another really big one, but unfortunately, neither of us was ready to take a picture.
My dad and Daniel did a couple of hikes while I stayed with Gavin. This is from the Koko Head Crater. I hear there are lots of stairs to the top. I was more than happy waiting at the bottom!

Gavin was super impressed with Waimea Falls. I guess we will have to come back when he's older!
Gavin is officially a 6 week old baby!

We had a lot of fun during my dad's visit. Gavin loved spending time with Grandpa and even spit up on him once. He only does that to people he really loves! :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Grandma Awesome's visit

My mom, dubbed Grandma Awesome by me and made to stick by Daniel, was fortunate enough to be here for Gavin's birth and first two weeks of life. We took Gavin to Target, Ala Moana shopping center, Pearlridge Mall, Dole Plantation, and spent lots of time just hanging around the house while I recovered.

Here are some pictures from those two weeks!

Gavin was not a fan of his first bath at home, but he has gotten better. Now he only screams if the bath is taking too long. He likes to get in, get out, and get on with his life.

Gavin started learning the important things in life from his Daddy early on!
Grandma Awesome brought Gavin a Glow Worm. These things were popular when I was little and I am so glad Glow Worm is making a comeback!
I wanted Gavin to feed the koi fish at Dole Plantation, but he only wanted to sleep. Maybe when he is a few months older, we will take him back and ride the train.
Oh the things we make babies do!

Sandy sent us some beautiful flowers and a balloon. The balloon is still floating in our dining room!

Gavin was yawning, not screaming. He basically only screams two times: 1.) when he's getting a bath and 2.) when he's getting his diaper/clothes changed.

Cleo is still not sure what to make of Gavin and I don't think he knows that she exists.

We had a really good time with my mom. She was so helpful with doing the dishes, cleaning, and laundry. It made the transition to motherhood a lot easier and all of those things have been suffering since she left, but I heard that's okay. Daniel and I were both grateful for her presence! :)