Sunday, November 21, 2010

Baby Laughs

Gavin loves to laugh and his laughter makes the most awful day so much better!

Christmas Decorating

Since I will be going to Michigan for Christmas, I decided to put up our decorations early so I had more time to enjoy them. I just put up a small tree on the kitchen table to keep Gavin away from it. Plus, our big tree would have been difficult for me to get out by myself. This also did wonders to life my spirits!

Pack N Play Fun

Gavin is so much fun to watch in his pack n play. He plays a sort of peekaboo game with all the up and down. Sometimes he's hard to catch in video, but this time I was able to capture this play time.


Gavin's first Halloween was pretty fun even though we obviously didn't take him trick-or-treating. Our friend Kailee celebrated her 1st birthday with a costume party. Nicole also had a Halloween party at her house. Halloween was spent handing out candy at Lauren's with friends.

"Fall" Photos

In my continuing quest to give Gavin some semblance of fall, my friend Lauren did a "fall" photo session with Gavin. She also did his 6 month photos, so I was excited for her to take more photos of Gavin.