We were fortunate enough to have lots of miles saved up from our credit card that we could fly to Portland, OR. From there, we drove to Port Townsend, WA to visit Daniel's dad. Then to Sisters, OR to see Daniel's grandparents, go to the rodeo, and attend Daniel's 10 year high school reunion. After that, we made the two day trek to Loveland, CO to see Daniel's mom before driving back to Portland. We did all of this in 10 days. It was a whirlwind, but that was all the time we had. Daniel was using his 10 days of paternity leave. Gavin did so well during the trip.
Gavin was passed out for pretty much the entire plane ride to Portland. Luckily, I had my Ergo baby carrier and he just slept in that.
Gavin woke up about an hour before we landed to eat. He didn't scream or anything during take off or landing. He was an amazing baby!
Our hotel in Port Townsend was a converted castle. It was a pretty neat place to stay.
We requested a room with a view of the Puget Sound. Too bad it was mostly cloudy while we were there, but the view was still pretty neat.
We were able to spend some quality time with Gavin's Grandpa Greg in Port Angeles and Port Townsend. Daniel's younger brothers were in school during the day, but Gavin was lucky enough to be able to hang out with his Uncle Dakota at night.
Gavin wasn't so sure about this guy with the beard...
No motorcycles! Ever!
After a few days, Gavin was ready to go again!
Gavin got to spend some time hanging out with his Nana and Papa. They were even kind enough to watch Gavin, so Daniel and I could go to the rodeo and his class reunion.
They both totally fell in love with this little baby of ours!
We didn't take Gavin to the rodeo, but we did take him to the rodeo parade.
I had no idea that there was a rodeo queen for every rodeo. There were so many!
The One Arm Bandit was pretty awesome! At the rodeo, he herded two bison on to the top of his trailer.
Daniel's class reunion was a lot of fun. He got to see some old friends and I got to hear some interesting stories.
The senior video was on a loop, so I took a pictures of Daniel on the big screen.
We went to Bend to visit some other family and hang out with Daniel's friend, Chandra, for the day.
Chandra was so getting "baby fever" after being around Gavin.
We also made a stop in Terrebonne to visit Jeanie and David.
Gavin says, "Let's go to Colorado!"
Gavin was so excited to meet Grandmama and she just loved him!
Gavin found someone else's hair to pull on, Tami's boyfriend, Dennis.
Now it's time to fly back to Hawaii. Gavin was awake at first, but then fell asleep and stayed asleep for most of the flight.
We were all so happy to be back home.Gavin didn't have jetlag too badly coming home, but stayed up pretty late when we first arrived to the mainland. It was a good trip. We learned a lot about traveling with a baby and should we do it again, I think we will all be a lot less nervous. Maybe next time we will have to brave a trip home to Michigan. Now that will be a challenge!
11 years ago