Saturday, April 17, 2010


Gavin has a few of these blanket/toy/stuffed animal things that he likes to play with. We give him one when he has to be put in his chair, so Mommy can have free hands. He stays occupied pretty well and is so cute!

These are the most recent photos we have of Gavin. Daniel took them on Thursday.
Megan calls him a cheeseball because of his big, cheesy grin. What can we say? He's a happy baby!

Photos by Bonnie Rose

My good friend, Bonnie, is a semi-professional photographer as well as a hair and make-up artist. She works with professional models and other photographers. We took Gavin to her son's 5th birthday party and she thought he was so cute, so she asked if she could do a photo shoot with him to build her portfolio. Of course, I agreed and here are the results.

Gavin is also doing a 3 month photo shoot in a studio on Friday. I am getting the session on special and I figure that you can never have too many pictures of such a cute baby!

Cute photos

There photos are from the middle of March.
Gavin looks so tiny when he's sleeping in our papazan. I think it was really comfy because I could set him down and he would hardly ever wake up.
Gavin is ready to go out. We were about to go to the beach, so baby needs to wear a hat.

Gavin loves spending time with Daddy. He's wearing rocketship pjs, so I like to sing "Rocket Man" to him.

Gavin also likes to try to escape, so you really need to keep an eye on him!

He moves a lot, but hasn't figured out the rolling over thing yet. He's quite the talker and continues to grow in cuteness with each passing day.

Watch the Baby!

Since going back to work, I have been so busy and haven't posted a blog in nearly a month. I'll probably be posting quite a few this weekend to catch up.

My friend, Megan, has been Gavin's babysitter during the day. I always leave our camera in the diaper bag, so Megan can use it. Over the past couple of weeks, she has taken a couple of videos. Most of you haven't seen Gavin live and in action. Here is your chance! Daniel and I also have Skype and are available for video chats on the weekends if we can plan a time. Then you can see the baby in real time!